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牛市加杠杆 SFC Markets and Finance | Raymond Yeung: AI could be a main theme in China's economic development 发布日期:2024-08-06 19:21    点击次数:138

牛市加杠杆 SFC Markets and Finance | Raymond Yeung: AI could be a main theme in China's economic development

(原标题:SFC Markets and Finance | Raymond Yeung: AI could be a main theme in China's economic development)牛市加杠杆

南方财经全媒体记者施诗 上海报道

"AI could become a central theme in China's future economic development, driving the growth of the digital economy," said Raymond Yeung, Chief Economist for Greater China, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group, during an interview with an SFC reporter.

He expressed optimism about AI's development in China, emphasizing its applications: "China can leverage new developments and integrate them into its core advantageous sectors, especially manufacturing." Yeung believes that the application of AI will showcase China's unique characteristics and strengths.