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股票配资好的有哪些 SFC Markets and Finance | Raymond Yeung: The GBA has a potential to play a significant role globally 发布日期:2024-08-06 18:31    点击次数:158

股票配资好的有哪些 SFC Markets and Finance | Raymond Yeung: The GBA has a potential to play a significant role globally

(原标题:SFC Markets and Finance | Raymond Yeung: The GBA has a potential to play a significant role globally)股票配资好的有哪些

南方财经全媒体记者施诗 上海报道


"I believe there is a genuine need to explore new perspectives to understand how the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) can contribute to the country in this new international context," expressed Raymond Yeung, Chief Economist for Greater China at the Australia and New Zealand Banking Group, during an interview with an SFC reporter.

He traced the GBA's history from its origins in the Pearl River Delta to its current status as one of China's most crucial regions for economic development. In the current unprecedented global environment股票配资好的有哪些, Yeung considers the GBA to have the potential to play a significant international role, contributing to China's engagement in the new global landscape in various ways.